
    Friday 10th December

     The film is an evidence.

    However, it may be a hoax.

                      can be

    It may be hidden in a bank vault.

    faible probabilité


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  • Wednesday 8th December

    The dollar is the currency in the USA.

    $1 = 100 cents



    His name is Justin. He has a twin brother : Alex.

    He lives in a new house near D.C.

    He moves from the UK to the USA.

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    Wednesday 8th December

     The American currency is the dollar.

     $1 = 100 cents


     His name is Justin. His twin brother is Alex.

    He lives in a new house next to D.C. but he's from England.

    He moves from the UK to the USA for 1 year.


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    Tuesday 7th December

    4B – How to express belief/disbelief


    I think... / To me, ...


    I don't believe it / this testimony because...


    I agree with I don't agree with ...

    I disagree with ...

    votre commentaire

    Tuesday 7th December

    4B – How to express belief/disbelief


    I think... / To me, ...


    I don't believe this testimony because...


    I agree with I don't agree with ...

    I disagree with ...

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