• Monday 3rd January

    5 – A stormy night

    One night, a storm broke out.

    All of a sudden, the light went out.


    In the end, I fell asleep.

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  • Monday 3rd January

    5 – A stormy night

    One night, a storm broke out.

    All of a sudden, the light went out.


    In the end, I fell asleep.

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    Thursday (the) 16th (of) December

     2 – Life at the Browns'


    I can see the Browns in a kitchen.

     Maybe Justin is grumpy.

     Mr Brown is angry because Justin never makes his bed.


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    2 – Life at the Browns'

     I can see the Browns and a cat in a kitchen.

     Maybe Justin has a lot of housework.

     They're at home. It's dinner time.

     Mr Brown is angry because Justin never makes his bed.


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    Monday (the) 13th (of) December

     4 B – Belief / disbelief

     I disagree with the testimony


     It doesn't make any sense because

     -she can't cross the road with flippers!

    -she can't disappear like that!

                    + BV

     If the film existed,

     Dr McRae wouldn't hide it.

                                    + BV




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