• Tuesday 28th February

    Mr B.is going upstairs because he wants a book for the plane.

    The plane is taking off at 6:10.

    It's landing in London tomorrow morning at 6:20.

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  • Tuesday 28th February


    Todd and Harry are playing football.

    Emmy is feeding the ducks.

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  • Monday 27th February

    Mrs Brown is coming back home.

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  • Monday 27th February


    2 - Pairwork

    Micky is listening to music.

    he isn't listening to music, he's playing the guitar.

    Jenny is taking a photo.

    Emma is feeding the ducks.

    todd and Harry are playing football.


    3 - Hurry up

    Alex and Justin are sitting on the sofa and they're watching TV.

    Maybe Mr B forgot something.

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  • Thursday 23rd February

    Wh- AUX. S. BV

    What is he doing?

    What are you doing?

    What’s going on here?

    Where are you going?

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