• Wednesday 27th September

    Batman lives in a mansion where you can find a big cave.

    An alien is a creature which comes from another planet.

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  • Wednesday 27th September

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a fantasy show which aired during the 90s.

    Its about an ordinary girl who discovers she is extremely strong.

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  • Wednesday 27th September

    1 – The lost passport

    Can you spell it?


    capital R” “double F”

    -I’m 30 years old.

    He is 30.

    He is from England.


    3eme pers. sing.

    is : auxiliaire BE

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  • Tuesday 26th September

    A tardis is a blue police box which can travel in time and space.

    They live in a flat where they eat together and play video games.

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    Tuesday 26th September

    in a sit-com, the atmosphere is hilarious with a laugh track.

    It usually takes place in a flat or in a house.

    2 - my series plot

    it’s about a superhero who is extremely rich.

                   antécedant   pronom relatif



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