• Friday 24th November

    Ad number 5 has been written by a 14 year old job seeker who is willing to do any type of odd jod

    They are looking for an experienced responsible and reliable baby-sitter.

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  • Friday 24th November

    We are ready for the new school .

    Maybe the twins are magic .

    Maybe they’re a superhero family.

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  • Thursday 23rd November

    1 – The Roaring Twenties

    They danced a lot and listened to jazz, they were probably rich.

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  • Wednesday 22nd November

    A job-seeker is someone who is looking for a job.


    Ad number 1 has been written by an employer.

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  • Wednesday 22nd November

    Ad number 3 has been written by an emplyer who is looking for someone who is willing to work in a supermarket.

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